Friday, March 28, 2008

Personal Meaning to the Word "Culture"

Culture has a big meaning for me. There are many races in this world some with morals, influence, and values than others, but all are still culture for me. Moreover, it still does not change the fact that we all live in this world together as part of a society. I am Hispanic and in my culture my roots were very strong because in my family I was thought that morals and values were important to succeed in life. Also the unity of family will always be part of my life. It is important to me that the roots I was thought keep on for generations to come, maybe by influencing husband and children. One thing that is also very complicated in the Hispanic culture is that most of the time the first language thought is Spanish and that can cause some controversy due to the fact that in the country I live in the main language is English, but I just learn from this experience to enhance my culture diversity.

Reaction To " Cinematypes" by Susan Allen Toth

Susan Allen Toth in the essay “Cinematypes” explain how we human being have different types of preference concerning with movies. It is difficult to put in agreement what type of movie is the best because every one has completely different humor sense. In my case I feel identify with the point that my husband and I like different types of movie, so we seldom go to the movies. What we do at home is that each one of us watch what we like in different room, but sometimes I go and watch the movie with my husband, but just if I like the movie. Although it may sound rare to be separate in rooms it is all about respect the preference of each. However, we do watch the movies that my son likes because is about being together as a family and because these movies are funny also.

Reaction to Affirmative Action" The Price of Preference

The essay by Shelby Steele named as “affirmative Action” the price of preference gave more ideas about affirmative action on the concept that was not still clear for me. For my point of view affirmative actions what is it about is to intend to alleviate discrimination among all different ethic groups. It promotes equal opportunity in education as well as in employment and for me that is justice for every person. However, it is not easy to reach equality in the world today affirmative action can be a big help especially for woman that can be discriminate in their jobs because their low wage or in their job positions. Every person regardless of race, gender has the right to be treated as equal as it is exposed in this essay. A good point that is also written in the essay that I agree with is that affirmative action can make its greater contribution by providing a rigorous vigilance on discrimination.

Reaction to " I have a Dream" By Martin Luther King

It was the first time for me to know or actually hear this historic speech by Dr. Martin Luther King who signed the Emancipation Proclamation and that also worked hard in the issue of making blacks and whites equal. The speech is very sentimental where he defines the black’s situation as a shameful condition. What also impressed me from the speech that I did not know either, was the part where he says America Negro has given a bad check; a check with “insufficient funds” and that they (the blacks) refused to believe it. Furthermore, I admired him because his commitment with blacks to make their rights granted. He fought until his assassination to make his dream come true. He wanted every one to be equal in America. It is admirable that a person can confront a government for a dream to his town. For me the speech was not boring at all and I felt the energy that Dr. Martin Luther King had in his speech. Even in today's day we confront descrimination and what is worst it is sometimes between the same ethic groups.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Reaction to " Cultural Baggage"

My point of view about the essay by Barbara about “Cultural Baggage” is that all the people in this world have some cultural baggage even if they do not think they do. Culture is everywhere around us and It is what makes us who we are. When growing up in a certain environment for so long it is hard to adapt to anything else especially when we get to new a place a little old. For example when I had to move to this country when I was twenty years old I was used to a culture but here I had to got to used to this one completely different than mine, so now I can say that I have a cultural baggage. Another point is religion my family and I are Catholic and I will raise my kids in the same way.

Reaction to " College Pressures"

I really liked also the essay named “College Pressures” by William Zinsser because all he expressed in the essay is true. That is real life and for my point of views every experienced in some way all kind of pressures. Everyday you have to make a living. Somebody must pay the rent, food bill, utilities. If you have children it’s necessary to see they get a good chance to thrive now and in the future for instance these are home pressure I think, but I also have to say that yes! In my experience I have parental pressure even though my parents are far away from me the phone has not put them that far. They still called me every day checking how I am doing. Further, the pressures of career and all the activities generally required from you in order to succeed in college and achieve your goals in my opinion in this moment this is the one is killing me at this moment, but I know at the end I will be proud of my self for the effort I made.

Reaction to Sexism in English"

The essay written by the author Alleen Pace Nilsen is funny because all what is she describing about woman and men is true. That is the real life we see every day outside in the worldwide. Every day we woman complaint about men and vice versa for example have you ever heard a seemingly normal woman saying something like; "I don't know what I do to turn men off. I seem to push them away. Maybe I'm too demanding, or not demanding enough. Men are so confusing." And it could be that very same day that you hear a seemingly normal man, unrelated to the first woman, complaining: ‘I don't get women. I must be doing something wrong. Women are so hard to understand.” When men and women get together, there are, in effect, two worlds his and hers. They have different values, priorities, and habits. They play by different rules. Also it happens in all situations such at work, at home, in sports etc.

Reaction to " The Lie Detector"

I liked the essay written by Lewis Thomas called “The Lie Detector” Because it talks about something I think is very important in everybody’s lives. Well at least that what I think because for me it is really necessary to trust in the people that are actually very close to me. In my opinion is necessary to trust on my husband, my family, and a few but very few friends that I have for instance. Maybe that is the reason why I do not have many friends in my life because it is difficult for me to rich that confidence. Even though a lie does not hurt like the author describes it in the essay, I think yes it can but in a way that emotionally we can end up with a big hollow in our life. Another point the author express in the essay is that is also important to have good reason to lie in life. But also that trust in fundamental in our lives.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Reaction to " Why We Crave Horror Movies"

My reaction to the essay “Why We Crave Horror Movies” by Stephen king is that in one point he is right when he mentioned that especially when we are young we like to demonstrate that we can do it and we have fun to go to see Horror movies. He also said that Horror movies have always been the special province of the young and he is also right with that. Furthermore, I remembered when I was younger that I used say that my favorite movie was the horror one, but if you ask me now about my favorite one it is not going to be horror movie I have nothing to do with horror movies; not even on TV I watch them. In conclusion, I am not going to pay to get scared watching a horror movie and then not be able to sleep.

Reaction to" Neat People vs. Sloppy People"

In this essay by Suzanne Britt she describes two people the neat and the sloppy people. It was a very fun from the beginning of the essay until the end of it. She explains many characteristics of the neat people in which I felt identified like she was describing me. Although sometimes I have some misfortunes with my husband because he says I am exaggerated with the order of everything and also perfectionist, I think I have a good reason to be like that. One of the reasons is because that way I am able to find anything around me. It looks for me perfect and nice. That way we know where to star from to do something and we find all we need quickly.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

How to Give Orders Like a Man

I like the essay named how to Give Orders like a Man by Deborah Tannen because for me was an example of how some people can give orders and that happens all the time in a single day at work anywhere in the world. Indeed, she gave some examples in how people prefer orders like indirect or direct order. when you give a direct order, you do not allow the other person any latitude to think about what to do or how to do it. All they can do to satisfy your order is exactly what you ordered. There are two reasons why this is bad. First, you do not allow the person to figure out the best way to do the task. Second, you do not let them learn.In my opinion I prefer somebody to tell me what to do with an indirect way because it gives me the freedom to come up with my best way of getting that task done.

Why Dont' We Complaint?

When I read the essay why don’t we complaint by William F. Buckley, Jr. I thought it was from the real life. Those are situations that happen all the times daily. Some people just do not complaint because they do not want problems or because nobody listens to them. In my case sometimes I prefer to stay quiet because I feel shy or because I don’t want that persons become against me. In addition to that there are moments in that I feel angry with my self. But I also heard another people that complaint to much for everything and I have noticed that when people complaint it can be worth it too. As an example my son, he complains about something and I run to do want he wants.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Embalming In the U.S.A

One of the essays that made an impression on me was the “Embalming in the U.S.A” by Jessica Mitford. The reason why is because what I know in my country they just prepared the body following a procedure, but what I think they do not do all this staff of preparation with cosmetics, restorative waxes, and manicure making the presentation of healthy repose. The way I have seen it in my country with my own experience when my grandfather died was simpler because he was just laying down in the casket but not in that high position they used here and with no manicure. The procedure that they use here could be better for the family as they mentioned in the essay because family want to remember the person in a nice picture. Also I admired the person who does this job because I think it is very scary and that professional has to have the real feeling to do it.

Marrying Absurd

The essay by Joan Didion named “Marrying Absurd” was actually for me informative because I did not have idea how wedding en Las Vegas worked. What I have heard about Las Vegas was just a lot of events outside of the common thing such as the shows and different experiences between relationships. Although all these events may occur during those nights of madness, marriage is the unforgettable one. In my opinion getting married en Las Vegas will be something fleeting because it happens with one blink, but also will be something original. Moreover, the beauty of Vegas weddings is that they may occur at any time of the day and couple can obtain a marriage license just almost for free, they only pay five dollars for it; maybe to make the couple pay at least something for good luck. But the thing is that people get married whimsically after a night of drunken fun and the next morning they will not even remember what they did the night before.

Friday, January 18, 2008

My reaction to Salvation

Salvation is a good story to give us an example of how people do not believe in god just because they do not see him around. They do not understand that all that happens to them is for a reason even if it is bad or good. What it is important is the faith you have to receive those events. In my opinion god have blessed me with numerous things in my life and in that way I have seen representing those facts. For that reason I am sure he is there all the time around me and my family. In the story the aunt just assumed that Longston was saved by god and that he was crying about it instead of asking him. In that way maybe she could have explained everything to him about how god appears in his life.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Definition of Life
Life for me is like a puzzle, but I also think life is the most precious gift god has given me. Although Some people just decided what king of life they want to have some of them just chose the wrong way to enjoy the life. That is why I think is like a puzzle. Since life for me has a real meaning, I try to do everything I can and I express my feelings to my family because it is not fear to wait for the last moment to demonstrate affection to them.Moreover, it feels good when someone tells you their feeling. My family and I are healthy,every day we have food to eat, and we have where to live; therefore, I value my life because I know that some people do not have even a pair of shoes to put on. Every morning I pray to god, I looked at my son, and I ask him to take care of him. Also I know and remind my self every moment that god has trusted on me to raise my son correctly, so I can not give up in doing what I have been doing that is going to school to prepare my self with a good education. In other words the more I prepared my self studying to achieve my goals the more easy will be for me to give to my son all he will need.