Saturday, March 22, 2008

Reaction to Sexism in English"

The essay written by the author Alleen Pace Nilsen is funny because all what is she describing about woman and men is true. That is the real life we see every day outside in the worldwide. Every day we woman complaint about men and vice versa for example have you ever heard a seemingly normal woman saying something like; "I don't know what I do to turn men off. I seem to push them away. Maybe I'm too demanding, or not demanding enough. Men are so confusing." And it could be that very same day that you hear a seemingly normal man, unrelated to the first woman, complaining: ‘I don't get women. I must be doing something wrong. Women are so hard to understand.” When men and women get together, there are, in effect, two worlds his and hers. They have different values, priorities, and habits. They play by different rules. Also it happens in all situations such at work, at home, in sports etc.

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