Saturday, March 22, 2008

Reaction to " The Lie Detector"

I liked the essay written by Lewis Thomas called “The Lie Detector” Because it talks about something I think is very important in everybody’s lives. Well at least that what I think because for me it is really necessary to trust in the people that are actually very close to me. In my opinion is necessary to trust on my husband, my family, and a few but very few friends that I have for instance. Maybe that is the reason why I do not have many friends in my life because it is difficult for me to rich that confidence. Even though a lie does not hurt like the author describes it in the essay, I think yes it can but in a way that emotionally we can end up with a big hollow in our life. Another point the author express in the essay is that is also important to have good reason to lie in life. But also that trust in fundamental in our lives.

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