Saturday, March 22, 2008

Reaction to " College Pressures"

I really liked also the essay named “College Pressures” by William Zinsser because all he expressed in the essay is true. That is real life and for my point of views every experienced in some way all kind of pressures. Everyday you have to make a living. Somebody must pay the rent, food bill, utilities. If you have children it’s necessary to see they get a good chance to thrive now and in the future for instance these are home pressure I think, but I also have to say that yes! In my experience I have parental pressure even though my parents are far away from me the phone has not put them that far. They still called me every day checking how I am doing. Further, the pressures of career and all the activities generally required from you in order to succeed in college and achieve your goals in my opinion in this moment this is the one is killing me at this moment, but I know at the end I will be proud of my self for the effort I made.

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