Friday, March 28, 2008

Reaction to Affirmative Action" The Price of Preference

The essay by Shelby Steele named as “affirmative Action” the price of preference gave more ideas about affirmative action on the concept that was not still clear for me. For my point of view affirmative actions what is it about is to intend to alleviate discrimination among all different ethic groups. It promotes equal opportunity in education as well as in employment and for me that is justice for every person. However, it is not easy to reach equality in the world today affirmative action can be a big help especially for woman that can be discriminate in their jobs because their low wage or in their job positions. Every person regardless of race, gender has the right to be treated as equal as it is exposed in this essay. A good point that is also written in the essay that I agree with is that affirmative action can make its greater contribution by providing a rigorous vigilance on discrimination.

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