Friday, February 15, 2008

Embalming In the U.S.A

One of the essays that made an impression on me was the “Embalming in the U.S.A” by Jessica Mitford. The reason why is because what I know in my country they just prepared the body following a procedure, but what I think they do not do all this staff of preparation with cosmetics, restorative waxes, and manicure making the presentation of healthy repose. The way I have seen it in my country with my own experience when my grandfather died was simpler because he was just laying down in the casket but not in that high position they used here and with no manicure. The procedure that they use here could be better for the family as they mentioned in the essay because family want to remember the person in a nice picture. Also I admired the person who does this job because I think it is very scary and that professional has to have the real feeling to do it.

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