Friday, March 28, 2008

Reaction to " I have a Dream" By Martin Luther King

It was the first time for me to know or actually hear this historic speech by Dr. Martin Luther King who signed the Emancipation Proclamation and that also worked hard in the issue of making blacks and whites equal. The speech is very sentimental where he defines the black’s situation as a shameful condition. What also impressed me from the speech that I did not know either, was the part where he says America Negro has given a bad check; a check with “insufficient funds” and that they (the blacks) refused to believe it. Furthermore, I admired him because his commitment with blacks to make their rights granted. He fought until his assassination to make his dream come true. He wanted every one to be equal in America. It is admirable that a person can confront a government for a dream to his town. For me the speech was not boring at all and I felt the energy that Dr. Martin Luther King had in his speech. Even in today's day we confront descrimination and what is worst it is sometimes between the same ethic groups.

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