Friday, February 22, 2008

Reaction to " Why We Crave Horror Movies"

My reaction to the essay “Why We Crave Horror Movies” by Stephen king is that in one point he is right when he mentioned that especially when we are young we like to demonstrate that we can do it and we have fun to go to see Horror movies. He also said that Horror movies have always been the special province of the young and he is also right with that. Furthermore, I remembered when I was younger that I used say that my favorite movie was the horror one, but if you ask me now about my favorite one it is not going to be horror movie I have nothing to do with horror movies; not even on TV I watch them. In conclusion, I am not going to pay to get scared watching a horror movie and then not be able to sleep.

Reaction to" Neat People vs. Sloppy People"

In this essay by Suzanne Britt she describes two people the neat and the sloppy people. It was a very fun from the beginning of the essay until the end of it. She explains many characteristics of the neat people in which I felt identified like she was describing me. Although sometimes I have some misfortunes with my husband because he says I am exaggerated with the order of everything and also perfectionist, I think I have a good reason to be like that. One of the reasons is because that way I am able to find anything around me. It looks for me perfect and nice. That way we know where to star from to do something and we find all we need quickly.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

How to Give Orders Like a Man

I like the essay named how to Give Orders like a Man by Deborah Tannen because for me was an example of how some people can give orders and that happens all the time in a single day at work anywhere in the world. Indeed, she gave some examples in how people prefer orders like indirect or direct order. when you give a direct order, you do not allow the other person any latitude to think about what to do or how to do it. All they can do to satisfy your order is exactly what you ordered. There are two reasons why this is bad. First, you do not allow the person to figure out the best way to do the task. Second, you do not let them learn.In my opinion I prefer somebody to tell me what to do with an indirect way because it gives me the freedom to come up with my best way of getting that task done.

Why Dont' We Complaint?

When I read the essay why don’t we complaint by William F. Buckley, Jr. I thought it was from the real life. Those are situations that happen all the times daily. Some people just do not complaint because they do not want problems or because nobody listens to them. In my case sometimes I prefer to stay quiet because I feel shy or because I don’t want that persons become against me. In addition to that there are moments in that I feel angry with my self. But I also heard another people that complaint to much for everything and I have noticed that when people complaint it can be worth it too. As an example my son, he complains about something and I run to do want he wants.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Embalming In the U.S.A

One of the essays that made an impression on me was the “Embalming in the U.S.A” by Jessica Mitford. The reason why is because what I know in my country they just prepared the body following a procedure, but what I think they do not do all this staff of preparation with cosmetics, restorative waxes, and manicure making the presentation of healthy repose. The way I have seen it in my country with my own experience when my grandfather died was simpler because he was just laying down in the casket but not in that high position they used here and with no manicure. The procedure that they use here could be better for the family as they mentioned in the essay because family want to remember the person in a nice picture. Also I admired the person who does this job because I think it is very scary and that professional has to have the real feeling to do it.

Marrying Absurd

The essay by Joan Didion named “Marrying Absurd” was actually for me informative because I did not have idea how wedding en Las Vegas worked. What I have heard about Las Vegas was just a lot of events outside of the common thing such as the shows and different experiences between relationships. Although all these events may occur during those nights of madness, marriage is the unforgettable one. In my opinion getting married en Las Vegas will be something fleeting because it happens with one blink, but also will be something original. Moreover, the beauty of Vegas weddings is that they may occur at any time of the day and couple can obtain a marriage license just almost for free, they only pay five dollars for it; maybe to make the couple pay at least something for good luck. But the thing is that people get married whimsically after a night of drunken fun and the next morning they will not even remember what they did the night before.